How to be held accountable
Personal Development

Ways in which being held accountable to others helps you succeed

My girls and I are in a small book club. It was started in February and the goal is to read more and hold each other accountable. On a normal day, I do enjoy reading but lately I had fallen off the wagon, so when it was suggested, I jumped at the opportunity. The deal …

How to stay focused and productive while working from home
Lifestyle Personal Development

How to be focused and productive while working from home

The pandemic has made it necessary for many to work from home to reduce physical contact. It has actually become our new normal and many companies are setting out strategies to make work from home, more permanent for many of their employees. Remote working is the way of the future. While many might be enjoying …

small ways to make life better

52 Small but effective ways to make your life better

There is this popular saying that the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. As long as you are still on this earth, there is something you can add, adjust, adapt, improve, make better about your life. Sometimes these things are so little but their effects can be very great. For some …